An Overview for The Church Using the Plandisc Circular CalendarStart your free trial An Overview for The Church Using the Plandisc Circular CalendarStart your free trialAn Overview for The Church Using the Plandisc Circular CalendarStart your free trial Plan your church year more effectively using the Plandisc circular liturgical calendar. Liturgical Calendar Use the designated colors of the church year to create a custom interactive liturgical calendar. -> Visualization of Church Activities The Plandisc circular calendar utilizes multiple rings which enable you to plan and visulaize multiple events and activities such as a children’s club, choir, concerts, etc. -> Liturgical CalendarUse the designated colors of the church year to create a custom interactive liturgical calendar. -> Visualization of Church ActivitiesThe Plandisc circular calendar utilizes multiple rings which enable you to plan and visulaize multiple events and activities such as a children's club, choir, concerts, etc. -> Get a Unique Overview The digital circular calendar has the flexibility needed to create an overview of the entire church year. -> Some of Our Many Features Embed The Circular Calendar on Intranet/Site It is easy to embed the circular calendar on the church’s website, so the congregation has easy access. This feature will keep everyone up to date. -> Coordinate and Share Plans With Plandisc, users can share calendars or rings with others to optimize coordination and teamwork throughout your organization. -> Some of Our Many Features Get a Unique Overview The digital circular calendar has the flexibility needed to create an overview of the entire church year. -> Embed The Circular Calendar on Intranet/Site It is easy to embed the circular calendar on the church’s website, so the congregation has easy access. This feature will keep everyone up to date. -> Coordinate and Share Plans With Plandisc, users can share calendars or rings with others to optimize coordination and teamwork throughout your organization. -> Synchronize with Outlook Plandisc’s Outlook synchronization makes updating the calendar easy with just a few quick clicks. Send plans between Outlook and the circular calendar for smooth planning processes.-> Use Plandisc with Microsoft Teams All team members can view and edit the Plandisc circular calendar directly in Microsoft Teams and in that way ease the management further -> Evaluate in the calendar Use Plandisc to create follow-up surveys for activities and save evaluation data for meaningful feedback to improve outcomes and workflow. -> 8 sprog600+ Enterpriseabonnenter er aktive50.000 brugerei 20+ lande20+ brancherfinder årshjulet nyttigt