Easy access for all
association members

Easy access for all
association members

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Your association will flourish with Plandisc!

Attract and engage more volunteers and athletes to your association with a comprehensive overview of all tasks and activities offered.

A Plandisc circular calendar provides an overview of all association activities

Use various rings to build your Plandisc circular calendar to fit the specific needs of your association. For instance, an association might assign a ring for each sport to create a comprehensive overview which is useful during the planning phase to spot event or activity overlap.

Easily give everyone access to the Plandisc circular calendar

It’s easy to embed a Plandisc circular calendar into your website, so everyone can navigate the calendar, open activities, and view attachments.  Improve engagement of volunteers by presentating all activities at a glance on the easy to access Plandisc circular calendar.

Give your association a unique overview of activities throughout the year

Activate more volunteers by improving communication about all activities across the whole association using the unique comprehensive overview of  a Plandisc circular calendar.

Templates for associations


Club activities

Here is an ideal template for trainers and members using four rings: Team meetings, activities, competitions, and training.


Club administration

This template gives an administrative overview for associations using four rings: Board meetings, activity planning, maintenance, and member recruitment.


Club management

This template illustrates areas of responsibility for club management using four rings: Administration, economy, activities, and board.


Club activities

Here is an ideal template for trainers and members using four rings: Team meetings, activities, competitions, and training.


Club administration

This template gives an administrative overview for associations using four rings: Board meetings, activity planning, maintenance, and member recruitment.


Club management

This template illustrates areas of responsibility for club management using four rings: Administration, economy, activities, and board.
