How circular templates of Plandisc help with efficient planning

Plandisc is a highly efficient circle planning tool that facilitates the planning process by splitting it into smaller units for execution. These individual unites are represented by the circle templates that together culminate to form the larger plan.

These circle templates represent the smaller enablers that help with the efficient execution of the larger plan of the organisation. The circle templates of this planning tool represent the simpler achievable units that are self-sufficient as well as at the same time form the part of the much larger plan.

Therefore, by achieving these smaller parts of the plan facilitates the organisation move a step closer to achieve the overall plan. For example, if the duration of a plan is one year, the Plandisc planning tool can encompass 12 circle templates each of these representing one month. The target for the entire year can be split into 12 parts and each of these parts are represented by the circle templates.

Executing each of these smaller plans helps moving towards the achievement of the primary long term plan. The monitoring of each of the circle templates gives a clear indication of the status and efficiency of these smaller plans and if there are any shortfalls, the necessary adjustments can be made in the further circle templates.

circular planning

In this manner, there is a consistent and periodic monitoring of the entire plan and also there is help to identify any specific trends. For example, inability to meet one of the specific parameters continuously for a few months.

The circle templates for these months will display the status and based on it, the management can initiate necessary steps to achieve them in the following months by adjusting the targets in the circle templates of the future months.

The overall planning tool therefore becomes more robust, reliable and highly efficient.